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Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

Huntington Little League By-Laws and Local Rules for Baseball – 2021 SECTION I: GENERAL

  1. Safety equipment.

    1. Helmets equipped with facemasks are optional at the parents’ discretion for the 2021 season. The use of facemasks is strongly encouraged by Huntington Little League and all helmets provided by Huntington Little League will be equipped with a facemask.

    2. Catchers must wear protective cups while behind the plate and throat guards.

  2. Concession stand.

    1. Play will not start until the assigned team has supplied its two concession stand workers. This does not impact the official start time of the game, and it does not extend any applicable time limit for the game.

    2. General procedure:

i. Responsible team:

  1. HLL regular and make up games: Visiting Team

  2. Interleague/All Star games: The HLL team who is participating in

    the game

a. Exception: The other all star teams rotate covering the 12

year old all star games

ii. Time Period
1. Begins: 30 minutes before the game is scheduled to start 2. Ends:

  1. Scheduled games: 15 minutes after game is over

  2. Makeup games: For your game only

iii. Definition of Concession Stand duty. Providing two age-appropriate

volunteers to work in the concession stand for the time period described above. Duties include opening, operating, selling, clean-up, trash removal and closing/locking.

  1. Curfew. Concession stand volunteers are permitted to turn off equipment and stop selling hot food at 9:00 p.m. At least one concession stand window should remain open for sales of drinks and cold items until games are concluded.

  2. Access to the safe is limited to a limited number of volunteers at the direction of the League President and Treasurer.

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  1. Little League Code of Conduct is to be observed by all Coaches and enforced by the Board and signed by all coaches.

  2. Cold weather. A game may not begin when the temperature is lower than 45° F. The Weather Underground App is to be used to determine the official temperature at game time.

  3. Age Structure for Baseball Divisions

    1. Majors consist of ages 10, 11 and 12 year olds.

    2. Minor Player Pitch: AAA Division consists of 8, 9,10, and 11 year olds.

    3. Minor Coach Pitch: AA Division consists of ages 6 (with prior experience), 7, and

      8 year olds.

    4. A Division is for 4, 5, and 6 (first year) year olds

  4. League Colors. Navy Blue and Red Trim. Gray is an optional accent color, along with the navy and red.

Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021


1. The current Little League International Baseball rules are included by reference unless specifically superseded in these bylaws.

  1. Time limits and curfew.

    1. In all games, the curfew mandated by Little League rules is in effect.

    2. Sunday-Thursday School Night: If two games are scheduled on the same field, a

      new inning shall not begin after 7:15 for the 1st game or 10:00 for the 2nd game

    3. The official start time of the game, unless weather delayed, will be based on the

      scheduled start time regardless of when the actual first pitch was thrown.

    4. Purpose: These time limits and curfew rules are imposed for purposes of balancing league size and limited field availability. See 2021 Little League

      Official Regulations X(a) and (c).

  2. Gameday Field Duties

a. Pre/During Game Duties:

  1. Home team

    1. Responsible for preparing and lining the field before games.

    2. Shall provide a scoreboard operator / announcer for the game.

  2. Visiting Team

1. Responsible for concession stand (See Section I: Rule 2 for details)

  1. Post Game Duties:

    1. Both Teams

      1. Responsible for clean up and trash removal from its dugout after each game.

    2. Visiting Team

      1. Responsible for removing trash from common areas after the last

        game of the day.

      2. Responsible for raking the field and storing all equipment in

        locked garages

  2. Base umpires.

i. When multiple games are played at the same location on the same day, each team playing the early game should provide one base umpire to work the late game, and vice versa. If a manager fails to provide an umpire for a game the manager shall be suspended for one game. The President shall have the right to waive the suspension for extenuating circumstances.

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ii. When the early/late rule is inapplicable, it is the responsibility of the coaches involved in that game to work with the League’s coordinator of umpires to find umpires for the game.

4. Alternate Pool Play

  1. Major division teams are established with 12 players per team.

  2. Games may not be continued with less than 9 players on a team per LL Rule 4.17

  3. If a team cannot field the required number of players or has a player missing for

    more than 7 consecutive days (not games) because of injury, illness or other absence, such as vacation, they are expected to utilize an alternate pool player.

    i. The purpose of this rule is to prevent teams from taking advantage of having only 11 players on their roster for an extended period of time.

  4. Players who know they will be absent from a game with their regular team should notify their manager as far in advance as possible.

  5. The Player Agent will compile a list of major division players aged 10, 11 or 12 available for alternative selection in the major .

  6. Managers shall contact the Player Agent and inform them of their desire to add an alternative pool player.

    i. The alternate pool is used to only bring a teams roster up to 10 players, except when used with HLL rule 4c above.

  7. The alternate pool player:

    1. Will be contacted by the Player Agent only

    2. Must be the same age as the player being replaced.

    3. Can only play for a team a total of two (2) times during the year

    4. Can not play in consecutive games for the same team

    5. Must bat at the end of the batting order

    6. Can not play the position of pitcher or catcher

    7. Must play 9 consecutive outs and bat at least once per LL Regulation V

    8. Will wear their respective team’s uniform.

  8. If a team is unable to field at least nine (9) players and elected not to use a player

    from the Alternate Pool Play list, it will be heavily weighted in the board’s

    decision as to whether to deem the game a forfeit.

  9. For purposes of interleague games, the alternate pool play should only be used in

    the event of a shortage of players and the inability to field a team of 9 players.

Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

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  1. AAA Division only

    1. Will not follow the uncaught third strike rule (LL Rule 6.09 (b))

    2. Will be played as a kid pitch division with no walks

      1. After 4 balls the offensive coach will step in and pitch until the batter is retired on strikes or puts the ball in play.

      2. No Steals during Coach Pitch periods

    3. Five run limit per half inning, except the 6th inning

  2. Determination of League Champion.

    1. The results at the end of the regular season will determine the regular season

      champion, draft order and all star coaches.

    2. League Championship Tournament: There shall be a tournament at the end of the

      season to determine the tournament championship. All teams will be eligible for the tournament. The format will be determined based on the size of the league each season.

    3. Standings & Tie Breakers:

      1. Overall record in all HLL and interleague games

      2. 1st tiebreaker: Head-to-Head

      3. 2nd Tiebreaker: Overall record in HLL games only

      4. 3rd tiebreaker: Least number of runs given up

    4. Final season standings and effect of unplayed games on order of finish: All

      reasonable efforts shall be made to complete all scheduled games. Makeup games are to be played on the next available open date on the league field schedule. Makeup games shall be played until the standings are conclusively determined.

    5. The season records and order of finish shall be promptly announced by the League President to all teams and the Board immediately following the conclusion of the regular season. Unless promptly challenged by a team, the President’s standings shall become the final season standings for purposes of the following year’s draft. Any team’s challenge shall be decided by the Board.

  3. All Stars Selection: See Appendix A

Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021


  1. Time limits and curfew.

    1. In all games, the curfew mandated by Little League rules is in effect.

    2. Sunday-Thursday School Night: If two games are scheduled on the same field, a

      new inning shall not begin after 7:00 for the 1st game or 9:00 for the 2nd game

    3. There is a one hour and thirty minute (1:30) time limit.

      1. No new inning shall start after this limit

      2. An inning ends when the third out of the previous inning is made

      3. The official start time of the game, unless weather delayed, will be based on the scheduled start time regardless of when the actual first pitch was thrown.

    4. If a team is unable to field at least 8 players within 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. That team will forfeit the game.

  2. Gameday Field Duties

a. Pre/During Game Duties:

  1. Home team (occupy the first base dugout)

    1. Responsible for preparing and lining the field before games.

      1. When playing on the dirt/grass fields a 10 ft circle will be marked around the pitching rubber and half way lines will be marked between 1st & 2nd, 2nd & 3rd and 3rd and home plate

      2. When playing on the turf infield, the portable mound will be considered “the circle” and the halfway marks will be estimated by the umpire.

    2. Shall provide a scoreboard operator / announcer for the game.

  2. Visiting Team (occupy the 3rd base dugout)

1. Responsible for concession stand (See Section I: Rule 2 for details) a. No game can start until coverage has been provided in the

concession stand.

b. Post Game Duties:

  1. Both Teams

    1. Responsible for clean up and trash removal from its dugout after each game.

  2. Visiting Team
    1. Responsible for removing trash from common areas after the last

    game of the day.

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2. Responsible for raking the field and storing all equipment in locked garages

  1. Umpire duties are to be split by the coaches. The defensive coach on the mound (performing coach pitch) will call balls and strikes on the batter. The coach at the pitching mound is responsible for all umpiring duties and has final say on plays in the field.

  2. Coaches: Maximum of 3 adult coaches are allowed in the dugout during the game. At least one adult coach must be in the dugout at all time.

    a. Offensive Coaches: Two adult coaches for the offensive team may be stationed in the coach’s boxes, one each at first base and third base. Offensive coaches may not touch base runners to assist them during the course of play.

b. Defensive Coaches: Two adult coaches for the defensive team are allowed on the field. One coach will be at the pitching mound and will be the umpire in the field of play. The pitching mound coach will call balls and strikes and outs for base runners. The second adult coach is permitted to be in the outfield and can verbally direct players.

  1. The League is operated solely for the enjoyment and instruction of the players. The goal of the Minor League is to instruct players in the basic skills and provide a fundamental knowledge of the game of baseball. Failure to provide this basic opportunity to each and every member of your roster is doing a disservice to your players. Abusive language or actions by coaches, players, or spectators is uncalled for in Little League. Each manager is expected to maintain and set an example of discipline and calm for themselves, their players, and team spectators. The Board will deal with any manager or coach who gets out of line. REMEMBER THAT THE GAME IS FOR THE PLAYERS.

  2. HLL will make every effort to play games as they are scheduled. Decisions on weather cancellations will not be made until game time and is made at the sole discretion of the Field Manager for that day’s games. After a game has begun then it becomes the umpire’s decision. Rainouts will be rescheduled at the earliest possible time and will be communicated via the Minor League Director.

  3. There are no game protests allowed in the Minor League.

  4. All scores should be reported to the Minor League Coordinator after the game is complete

Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

The Game

  1. The manager shall submit a complete lineup to the other team’s scorekeeper before the

    game. This lineup shall designate individuals that are absent from the game and any players not playing for disciplinary reasons. (Any disciplinary cases must be reviewed and cleared by the Board of Directors prior to the game).

  2. A continuous batting order will be used. If a player is removed due to illness or injury, all players will move up one spot in the order. Late arriving players will be inserted at the bottom of the order. Each player must bat every time his/her turn comes in the order.

  3. There shall be unlimited defensive substitutions. Each player must play a minimum of SIX defensive outs (2 innings) in a game. In the event a game does not last 6 innings, every player must have played at least 3 defensive outs (1 inning) in game that is 4 or less innings.

  4. A regulation game shall last 6 innings unless ended by Little League Rule 4.10 (e) (15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after 4 innings) or the time limit described above.

a. If a team is unable to win the game due to the time and scoring limits, the game should be called and treated as complete.

5. An inning ends when five runs or three outs are recorded.
a. During the 6th inning, there is no limit to the number of runs that can be scored.

  1. No walks, stealing bases or bunting.

  2. Base running: When the ball is in play, the defensive team can end the play by returning

    the ball back within the circle around the pitching mound and yelling “time”. Any player can return the ball to the mound. Any base runners that have passed the halfway mark between bases can safely advance to the next base. If the runner has not passed the halfway hash, they must return to the previous base.

a. Runners may advance one base maximum per play on overthrows at a base or the mound.

8. The defensive team may field ten (10) players.

  1. The tenth player shall be positioned in the outfield, no closer than twenty feet

    from any infielder.

  2. The fielder playing the pitcher’s position cannot be positioned any closer to the

    batter than the pitching rubber, and must remain in that position until the pitch

    either crosses the plate or is hit.

  3. Catchers will assume the normal catching position behind the batter. On hot days

    it is suggested that no player catch more than three (3) innings.

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Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

Coach Pitch Rules

  1. The 2021 AA season will be played under Coach Pitch

  2. The offensive coach now takes over umpiring duties as described above.

  3. All pitches should be delivered overhand and from the pitching circle

  4. The coach shall make every effort not to interfere with batted or thrown balls.

a. In the event they do interfere the ball remains in play
5. No walks, the batter will continue until they are retired on strikes or put the ball in


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Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

Noteable Rules for 2021:

All divisions:

Rule 4.10 (e): “Mercy Rule” - a game ends after 3rd inning if the home team is leading by 15 or more runs or after the 4th inning if the home team is leading by 10 or more runs.

Major Division (10-12) only:
Rule 6.09 (b): Uncaught third strike rule is in effect.

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Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

Appendix A

Huntington Little League Baseball All Star Selection Bylaws


  1. The goal for Huntington Little League is to include as many players as possible in the All Star/Tournament Experience, while maintaining a competitive balance.

  2. The President will determine which, if any, Little League International Tournament(s) (“All Star Tournament”) the League will participate in for the year and the number of teams to be fielded for each tournament.

  3. Each team shall consist of twelve (12) or more players, a Manager, and two (2) coaches, up to the maximum roster size permissible per division.

  4. Each Tournament Team shall be formed from the following League Members, who must appear on the official league rosters as filed with Little League and be in good standing with the league:

    a) Manager

    1. The Senior Division All Star Manager shall be a Manager or

      Coach of a Regular Season Senior team.

    2. The Intermediate Division (50/70) All Star Manager shall be a

      Manager or Coach of a Regular Season Intermediate team.

    3. The Little League All Star team (11-12 year olds) Manager shall be a Manager or Coach of a Regular Season Majors team.

    4. The 9-10, 10-11 All Star team or 9-10 Stripes team Managers shall be Managers or Coaches of Regular Season Majors or Minors Teams.

    5. 7-8 Year Old “Travel Team” Manager shall be Managers or Coaches of Regular Season Minors team.

    b) Coaches

    1. Senior League All Star team Coaches shall be Managers or

      Coaches of Regular Season Senior Teams.

    2. Intermediate Division All Star team Coaches shall be Managers or

      Coaches of Regular Season Intermediate Teams.

    3. Little League All Star team Coaches shall be Managers or

      Coaches of Regular Season Little League Teams.

    4. 9-10, 10-11 All Star team and 9-10 Stripes team Coaches shall be

      Managers or Coaches of Regular Season Majors or Minors Teams.

    5. 7-8 Year Old “Travel Team” Coaches shall be Managers or

      Coaches of Regular Season Minor Teams.

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Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021 Players

  1. Must be eligible for participation by virtue of having played in 8 of their Regular Season team’s scheduled and completed games, or have been officially waived as necessary.

  2. Must be available, wherein availability is determined by the player and their parent executing an authorization form, which will be prepared by the Player Agent. The Authorization form will declare that if the player is selected to a postseason All Star Team that the player is interested, committed and will be available to attend practices and games.

  3. Player for each All Star Team shall be drawn from the league as follows:

    1. Senior Division All Star team Players shall be Players on Regular Season Senior Division Teams and be between the ages of 14 and 16 years old.

    2. Intermediate Division All Star team Players shall be Players on Regular Season Intermediate Division Teams and be 13 years old.

    3. Little League All Star team players shall be Players on Regular Season Major Division Teams.

    4. 9-10, 10-11 All Star teams and 9-10 Stripes team shall be Players on Regular Season Major or Minor teams.

    5. 7-8 Year old Travel Team Players shall be Players on Regular Season Minor Division Teams.


1. Manager
a. Senior Division, Little League Division, 10-11 and 9-10 Team Managers will be

preliminarily determined based on the order of finish of the teams in the Senior, IntermediateandMajorDivisions. However,thePresidentcanelecttodetermine this before the order of finish is determined if it is in the best interests of the league to do so.

  1. Each manager, in order of regular season finish, shall select the team he wants to manage. If a manager passes, the next selection is made by the manager of the next finishing team – not by a coach on the passing manager’s team.

  2. If all star manager positions remain vacant after each manager has had an opportunity – in order – to make an election, then the league President will choose the manager from eligible coaches within Little

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League. In doing so, the President may consider the order of finish but is not bound by it.

  1. The Preliminary manager selection process results in a presumptive slate of managers. The President shall notify the Board of the slate, which slate is then deemed ratified by the Board if no Board member raises an objection.

  2. If a Board member objects to and challenges the selection of a manager or coach, the Board must vote on the selection of that manager or coach. If a majority of the Board votes against the challenged manager or coach, that manager or coach is not approved and the above process shall be followed to select a replacement.

b. 7-8 Year Old Tournament Team Manager shall be selected by the President. The recommendation of the Minor League Coordinator should be solicited and the standings at the end of the year may be considered, but neither are binding.

2. Coaches

  1. The manager appointed by the above process preliminarily selects his 2 coaches

    for the All-Star/Tournament team he is assigned.

  2. The Preliminary coach selection process results in a presumptive slate of coaches.

    The President shall notify the Board of the slate, which slate is then deemed

    ratified by the Board if no Board member raises an objection.

  3. If a Board member objects to and challenges the selection of a manager or coach, the Board must vote on the selection of that manager or coach. If a majority of the Board votes against the challenged manager or coach, that manager or coach

    is not approved and the above process shall be followed to select a replacement.

3. Players

  1. Senior Division – The Managers of the regular season teams will select the all star team from a list of eligible players provided by the Player Agent.

  2. Major Division – Consist of Little League Division (11-12 year olds), 10-11 Team and 9-10 Team.

i. Order of Selection.
A. Little League Division (11-12 Year Olds)

  1. 9-10 Year Old Team

  2. 10-11 Year Old Team

Approved at HLL Board Meeting 5/23/2021

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ii. Player Selection
A. Little League Division


  1. All 11-12 Year Old Players who are eligible based on Section 1-4(c ) are eligible for this team.

  2. A ballot listing all those eligible to participate on the team will be compiled by the player agent.

  3. 12 year old players in the league, Managers, “Rostered” approved Coaches (i.e., Coach #1 and Coach #2), Members of the Board will receive a ballot.

  4. Each person voting will be allowed to vote for no more than 10 players listed on the ballot.

  5. The player agent and President will count the votes and inform the manager of the results.

  6. The 10 players with the most votes are automatically on the team.

  7. Managers Choice: The manager must select at least 2 and may select no more than 5 additional players to be on the team.

9-10 Year Old Team

  1. All 9-10 Year Old Players who are eligible based on

    Section 1-4(c ) are eligible for this team.

  2. A ballot listing all those eligible to participate on the team

    will be compiled by the player agent.

  3. Only Managers will be eligible to vote.

  4. Each Manager voting will be allowed to vote for no more than 10 players listed on the ballot.

  5. Managers can elect to have a meeting to cast their votes, but each manager must turn in a ballot.

  6. The player agent and President will count the votes and inform the manager of the results.

  7. The 10 players with the most votes are automatically on the team.

VIII. Managers Choice: The manager must select at least 2 and may select no more than 5 additional players to be on the team.

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C. 10-11 Year Old Team

  1. All 11 Year Old Players who are eligible based on Section

    1-4( c) are eligible for this team.

  2. Repeat steps II – VIII listed in the 9-10 year old selection


D. 9-10 Stripes Team

I. Team will be selected by manager with priority given to those 9 & 10s who played Little League but did not make or participate on the 9 & 10 All Stars.

E. 7/8 Year Old Tournament Team

  1. All Minor players, League age 7 or 8 are eligible for


  2. The Minor League managers along with the Minor League Coordinator shall select the first 10 team members.

  3. Managers Choice: The manager must select at least 2 and may select no more than 3 additional players to be on the team.

  1. Any conflict that these rules cannot resolve shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

  2. Teams to be announced on a date to be determined by the President. Announcements to be made by posting the roster(s) on the field bulletin board before any player is individually informed. The President, after determining the date(s) to announce the various teams should inform all regular season managers so they can inform their players.

  3. Only officially rostered regular season managers and #1 and #2 regular season coaches (major or minor level) are eligible to manage or coach All Star Teams, although other approved field and dugout coaches may assist with practices.

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